‘Form follows function’ is a principle of design associated with late 19th/early 20th century architecture and industrial design.

Coined by Chicago-based architect Louis Sullivan, it’s a principle which believes that a structure’s Form /fawrm/

  1. The visible shape or configuration of something

  2. Style, design, and arrangement in an artistic work as distinct from its content

…should primarily relate to it’s Function /fuhngk-shuhn/

  1. An activity that is natural to or the purpose of a person or thing

  2. Practical use or purpose in design

An idea which builds on Viollet-le-Duc's theory that “a rationally designed structure may not necessarily be beautiful, but no building can be beautiful that does not have a rationally designed structure.”

Later, Frank Lloyd Wright (a young architect at Louis Sullivan’s practice) re-considered the idea, commenting:

“Form follows function — that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.”

And we agree.

We called our studio FORM+FUNCTION because we believe that the most impactful, lasting design, is a happy marriage of both form AND function. They are equals, they work together, and one must compliment the other.

Our projects aim to satisfy both these concepts. We work in areas known to suffer from ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour) and supply creative solutions to improve those behaviours.